If at any point the Naked System Control Unit stops working and has a blank display screen and the pump is not turning on, it may be that the circuit breaker has tripped for one of any number of reasons.
The circuit breaker is one of the many built in protection features of the Naked Control Unit that is designed to protect it from power surges, electrical overload and short circuits.
The circuit breaker is located on the under side of the Control Unit adjacent to where the OXI CELL and IONISER leads plug in as shown in the photo below. When tripped the yellow button in the centre will pop out and shut down the unit. To reset the circuit breaker simply turn off the control unit at the wall and then press the yellow button in the centre back in. Once the circuit breaker is reset turn the Control Unit back on at the wall to resume normal function.
Should the circuit breaker continue to trip please CONTACT US.