There will be times when your pool may need a little extra copper to keep up with demand. Copper levels may reduce due to dilution through rainfall, splash out or environmental factors such as phosphates in the pool water.
Nearly 30 years ago, Ionisation was very popular for pool sanitisation. However it was not well controlled and if an owner didn’t understand their system, they could run it for too long putting too much copper in the water which can lead to the staining of the pool surface.
The technology in the Naked System allows us to control the amount of copper being introduced into the pool and one such method is restricting the percentage of production time that the ION RODS are working. The default ION setting from the factory is 20%, which means that out of every 10 minute period the ION RODS are only operating for 2 minutes and therefore 12 minutes of every hour.
The Naked Control Unit will only allow the ION RODS to operate for a predetermined amount of hours per day during the TIMER 1 run time based on the pool volume entered into the system.
If your pool is in an environment where it is under heavy demand, such as a lot of garden surrounding or trees overhead, you may need to increase the Ioniser default setting which can be adjusted up to a maximum of 30%. We recommend you do this incrementally while monitoring copper levels ensuring they maintain in the pool at levels between 0.2ppm - 0.5ppm.
You may need to increase the copper levels after heavy rain has diluted the water or if you are struggling with algae or phosphates. The most effective way to do this is by using the ION BOOST feature built in to the Naked System to get the copper levels back in the optimal range.
Should you require any assistance please CONTACT US anytime and we would happy to help.